Thoughts & Feelings | Teen Ink

Thoughts & Feelings

June 14, 2022
By bakhtawar_abid255 PLATINUM, Karachi, Other
bakhtawar_abid255 PLATINUM, Karachi, Other
37 articles 6 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
The Best & the most beautiful things in this world can't be seen or even heard,
but must be felt with the Heart.❤️

Thoughts encompasses a flow of ideas and associations that can lead to logical conclusions. Although thinking is an activity of an existential value for humans, there is still no consensus as to how it is adequately defined or understood.

Good thought makes our day best. We should think positive at any condition because it is totally depends in our bright future. 

As well as thoughts are the shadow of our feelings whatever we are thinking and we have thought.

Sometimes our feelings good or sometimes bad actually it is our thoughts.

The hardest thing in our life is having feelings in our heart and couldn't put into words and also don't have courage to express our feelings Infront of anyone.

We have to explore ourselves and make us good thinker because....


The author's comments:

I am telling about the thoughts and feelings...  Everything depends on thoughts so we are supposed to think positive and feel positive.

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on Jun. 17 2022 at 4:58 am
AmeenaBakhtZada2025 PLATINUM, Karachi, Other
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