What My Name Means to Me | Teen Ink

What My Name Means to Me

October 6, 2022
By vinson_sherman GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
vinson_sherman GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My name Vinson might mean something to most people but to me it shows connecting to family, to win, and to be funny. A group that cares for family deeply, an ethnicity that closely relates to my name, Vinson is a name that reminds me of a basic Italian mafia name. Vinny. I’m making this connection because it is usually said in these types of movies how they value nothing else besides family. 

I feel as if I am the same way as in being close to family and will do anything to protect and show that I love them. Just as the Italian mafia would do for theirs. I would go as far as saying that I am like them in the way that they would give their time and effort to see the one they love grow into a better person 

Another thing about my name is usually when first introducing myself I am often confused with the name Vincent, which means in latin “to prevail '' or “prevail”. I see myself as a Roman emperor who traveled across Europe conquering anything and everything that crossed their path. I am in a sense just like this as I prevail and conquer the goals I set for myself. 

I take this as a way of saying I’m the best of the best by winning over the one who was meant to prevail. 

The more Italian related name which my name is closely related to, Vincent. Although I think I’m the opposite, as when I think Italian, like spaghetti, how its texture is smooth, the waves in it flow so elegantly, and there is a rich flavor to most. I am none of these, so the stronger ending of -son rather than -cent I say fits me best. 

I am more choppy, sporadic, and just all over the place for my personality. At one time I could be doing something and a second later I’m doing another thing. I could have one opinion and go right to another. 

This also resonates with my favorite animal, monkeys, who by nature are goofy. Going along with the quote, “just monkeying around,” fits the description of myself. Connecting this to my name is different though as when I think of the -son in my name. The first thing that comes to mind is Son Goku. This is a character in the show Naruto who is a big gorilla. Which fits my personality in my mind.

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