The Pen | Teen Ink

The Pen

September 27, 2023
By MrDomWilliams PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
MrDomWilliams PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
25 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am a man who harbors a strong love and fascination of the most brutal global conflict in human history.

It started when I became interested in the life and work of a brilliant man who is now 

known to some as the “American Prometheus”;

Prometheus, the Greek legend goes, was eternally punished by the other gods for giving fire to man.

Dr. Oppenheimer was similarly punished by the American government for inadvertently handing man the keys to its own extinction.

When the Soviet Union developed and tested their own atomic bombs, Dr. Oppenheimer became the center of Washington’s paranoia, believing he was aligned with the beliefs of communism (which eventually ended with his security clearance getting stripped).

You can say that the tortured Dr. Oppenheimer’s most infamous creation was what, in a way, started the firestorm of World War II knowledge that I am now very familiar with.

In addition to being intimately entwined with knowledge of that brutal war, I am a man who is caring, compassionate, and kind;

Not just to my friends and family, but to people whom I've just met.

I enjoy entertaining them with humor and stories, be they fiction or nonfiction (I sometimes like to write in my free time), written or verbal.

If they are someone I love, then I will fiercely protect them without any hesitation.

But that’s not the only thing I protect.

I also protect myself from the cold, manipulative claws of any schemer;

I am an optimistic man who will never give another soul the pen that I use to write my own story, because I know that if I do, there’s nothing I can do to erase what they wrote.

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