Shicheng, Zhejiang, China | Teen Ink

Shicheng, Zhejiang, China

May 23, 2024
By thedragonchild SILVER, Lake Saint Louis, Missouri
thedragonchild SILVER, Lake Saint Louis, Missouri
9 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I don't believe in pain. I don't believe things should be difficult. I don't believe perseverance conquers all." - Shigesato Itoi

A school of fish swims down the bleak, cracked road of Shicheng, Zhejiang. The city is only home to underwater creatures now, the lonely streets flooded with water, and covered with algae and kelp. In 621 AD, it was constructed, a great city, truly a work of art. But a thousand years later, it was purposefully abandoned to make room for a great new project. This city housed so many people. Why must those people have been relocated? They never had a choice, they couldn’t have thought it was fair.

My scuba gear keeps me from the freezing temperatures of the water, but if I weren’t wearing it, I bet I could feel the cold. Not just of the water, but of the emptiness this city holds on to. The intricate details of every square inch of the city could be destroyed with a single touch. As I slowly kick the waves behind me, propelling myself forward, I wonder what the people of China thought of this beautiful city.

Did they enjoy living here? What was life like back then? Did the masterfully skilled carvers of these elaborate statues wonder about the future? Their futures? Did one of them go home one day and pray that somebody would appreciate the work they’ve done?

I hope those souls see me, marveling at the architecture that they had so delicately hand-crafted.

The author's comments:

A creative nonfiction assignment for my writing class. This objective of the assignment was to write about an abandoned place of our choosing.

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