Advocacy Letter | Teen Ink

Advocacy Letter

January 14, 2011
By sammibonk BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
sammibonk BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Mom,

With my 18th birthday approaching, I am excited for the responsibilities that being an “adult” brings. However, I realize that I will be living under your roof still and therefore must still live by your rules. That is why I want to write this letter to discuss with you changing my curfew from eleven to twelve.

In the last few years, I have taken on a lot of responsibilities at school, home, and at work. With all of these things, it is understandable that I would need a break to get out and be with friends. Unfortunately, these responsibilities sometimes get in the way of my other plans. If my friends or I have to work late on a weekend, I can’t go out and see a movie that starts any later than nine if I’m expected to be home at eleven. As you can see, this causes a problem. Another issue I have with such an early curfew is that I feel I have earned the right to stay out longer. I keep you in touch with my plans, where I will be and who I will be with, and therefore you don’t have to worry about what I am doing and shouldn’t have an issue with this curfew extension.

I hope that you can understand my point of view on this situation and allow me this simple request. I feel that I have shown that I am mature enough to be out for an hour longer on the weekends and I hope that you agree.

I would like to thank you for the love and support that you have shown to me over the years and whenever you have come to a decision on the topic, feel free to discuss it with me.


Sammi Bonk

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