My Dad | Teen Ink

My Dad

April 18, 2008
By Anonymous

My dad has black hair and light blue eyes that sparkle in the light. He has always loved me for ever and he will always love me. He taught me to stick up for myself and never back down from anything that is in my way. He has taught me how to be responsible. I love the way he smiles at me. Whenever I feel bad or sad he will always find a way to cheer me up or make me feel better. He absolutely loves to hang out with me sometimes he can be embarrassing. We spend a lot of time together. My dad means the world to me. He is like so cool. He will never back down or say no to going bowling or playing volleyball with friends or family unless he feels bad.
My dad gets home from work at about 4:00 so that’s not too late but sometimes he has to work overtime. He helps me with my homework when he gets home. My dad use to carry me around all the time and at night he said one time my mom and dad had to put me in the car and drive me around at night because I would not stop crying and I loved to ride around in the car I don’t know why but I did.

My dad would always make sure that I had a good baby sitter when I was little. Some of them were mean and some were nice. I use to hate to leave my dad for anything. When I was in kindergarten my dad used to walk me into class because I was shy and I was scared to go in the classroom by myself because I would never talk to anybody. My dad and I have good memories. I and my dad argue but we could never hate each other no matter what happens. Mt dads and mine favorite kind of candy is caramels, celery with caramels, apples with Carmel, or just plan Carmel. And our favorite kind of drink is grape soda we could drink it all day. This is special to me because we loved to do this together.

We always help each other on anything. Two weeks ago we got a new puppy it is a Beagle and a Jack Russell mix. It is so cute my dad really got it for my mom for a early Christmas present but she didn’t want it so I begged my dad if we could keep it and he told me that we could. So I was so happy I hugged him for a long time.
Looking back I can remember that we use to go camping all the time and we would eat chips and sandwiches and we would go on our boat that we rented and go swimming and jump off the boat. I loved to do this as a family together.

Another memory that me and my dad have had is that when I was in kindergarten and we were going on a field trip to the pumpkin patch and when we were on the bus I would not sit by anybody else besides my dad because I was really shy. Then when we got there we went on a wagon to the pumpkin field and as soon as we got there everybody got off the wagon and I hated that wagon it had hay that would poke me in my back. After that everybody went for the pumpkins and I didn’t because I was scared to go by my self. So I ended up with the littlest pumpkin ever. We use to go to the pumpkin patch and do this every year even when it wasn’t a field trip.
Me and my dad use to sit outside and build a camp fire. We would roast marshmallows and make smores and we also use to roast hot dogs. My dad loves hotdogs.

Me and my dad do every thing together. My dad said that his favorite job was working at Winn- Dixie he was the meat manger and he said the worst part about him getting another job is that he has a lot of his friends that work there and he said that he misses them a lot. And another thing that my dad loves is that he is a U K fan.
Sometimes when my dad says that his chest is hurting it scares me because he has had two heart attacks and I wonder what might happens the next time he has one if there is a next one. Well I know that he will go to heaven but it still scares me because I do not want him to go anywhere for the rest of my life, but no matter what happens I will always love him. So thanks dad you are my hero!!

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