Good Friends | Teen Ink

Good Friends

October 12, 2007
By Anonymous

Last year during track meets I would randomly go up to people that I didn’t even know and talk to them. I would ask them questions or just say comments to them like I knew them. They usually just laughed or looked at me like I was weird. One time I was walking behind a girl and read the back of her sweatshirt. It said Foshay. I went up to her and I said “Oh my gosh, is your last name Foshay?” She said yea with a confused look on her face. I said “Oh weird. Part of your last name is part of my first name! My name is Shaylea and your last name is Foshay. I just thought I’d tell you that.” She looked at me like was crazy and just said “okay.” Then she turned around and walked toward her teammates.

At the same track meet I was in line for the bathroom by girls from Garretson who were twins. I overheard them saying something about picking up twins from somewhere. I turned to them and asked, “You are picking up the twins?” They both looked at me with puzzled looks on their faces. Then they asked each other if they knew me. Neither of them did. They were confused about why I started talking to them and I explained that I was just joking around.

That was our last track meet of the season so I couldn’t talk to them at other meets to become better friends with them like I did with other people that I met. A few weeks later I saw that one of the twins added me as a friend on Facebook. Her name was Shannan. I later found out that her twin sister’s name is Shelby. I found Shannan’s e-mail address on her Facebook profile and added her to MSN so we could talk to each other. We found out that we both had a friend in common from Baltic named Amelia. All three of us would talk together in one conversation and I began to know more about Shannan. After a while Amelia stopped going on MSN so just me and Shannan talked to each other. We became pretty good friends. Then one time while were talking on MSN, my little brother asked me if I wanted half of a Nutty Bar. I said no but then asked Shannan if she wanted it as a joke. She said sure and I said “Okay, I’ll mail it to you.” I really did mail it to her but she didn’t eat it because it was gross after being in the mail for a few days. After that she sent me something in the mail and now we keep sending each other stuff.

We are both in cross country now so when ever we have a meet together I always hang out with Shannan, Shelby, and Kara. Kara is their little sister. I love cross country meets because it is so much fun to talk to them and goof around. On days that we don’t have cross country meets, Shannan and I usually talk to each other on MSN. Now we talk about just about everything from embarrassing moments in Wal-Mart to crazy lions fighting against horses. I also found out from talking to her that she is really good friends with the girl who’s last name is Foshay. I thought it was cool that they were friends with each other. I am now pretty good friends with Foshay.

I am really glad that I randomly talked to Shannan at that track meet because otherwise I probably wouldn’t even know her now. I’m really happy that we have become such great friends. I wonder what my life would be like now if I never said anything to her while I was waiting in line. I know that cross country meets would boring and that I would be very bored after school if I didn’t have her to talk to. My favorite thing about her is that she is really funny and tons of fun to be around. I’m very glad that I met Shannan.

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