My Lost Soldier Deep Within My Heart | Teen Ink

My Lost Soldier Deep Within My Heart

January 22, 2008
By Anonymous

Many moons have pasted since he has been gone, I miss him dearly as i sing a song or when I just walk about on my farm at dawn. I haven't seen his face and I haven't heard his strong and steady voice for many years. I miss him so, but I do not fear him dying, but alas he did die a bullet to his head when he was fighting. I receieved a written letter that said," Your husband is dead but fought like a man when all hope failed, he kept on going."

So i lay here on my bed crying bcause my soldier was killed with a bullet to his head and i am afraid that I will never heal again. Beacuse my soldier, my dear brave soldier recieved a bullet to his head, but my brave dear soldier will always remain in my heart.

To those who served in the Civil War


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