Should Hunting Be Banned | Teen Ink

Should Hunting Be Banned

December 17, 2012
By ShelbyCarlson SILVER, West Melbourne, Florida
ShelbyCarlson SILVER, West Melbourne, Florida
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hunting should be banned because killing innocent animals isn’t a sport, it’s a sick hobby. Far too many people are either injured or killed every year participating in this “sport.” According to the International Hunter Education Association, approximately 1,000 people in the US and Canada are accidentally shot by hunters every year, and just under a hundred of those accidents are fatalities. Most victims are hunters, but non-hunters are also sometimes killed or injured. Although some other forms of recreation cause more fatalities, hunting is one of the few activities that endangers the entire community, and not just the willing participants. Killing animals in this time period is unnecessary because there are those things called supermarkets which provide you with the food you need to survive.

If there are ways to prevent animals from getting killed, don’t you think we should learn them? Hunters have hunted animals for so long that pretty soon, they’re all going to become endangered or extinct. What happened to the dodo bird? Hunters made it become extinct. Sure there are regulations hunters are supposed to follow but who says every hunter does? Too many hunters have abused their privileges.

I have even heard that sometimes when kids are brought up by hunting, they start to eventually get bored with just hunting animals so they go for a more thrilling target, humans.
Hunting also is one of the main causes of deafness.

Hunting has taken on a new meaning through the years. Hunting used to be a means to obtain food. It was a way of life and needed for survival. Most avid hunters now days use hunting as a sport. They have the dead animals displayed on their walls. They use them as trophies, not for food. I feel hunting for sport is cruel.

Wouldn’t shooting and not killing an animal be a slow and painful death too?

In conclusion, hunting is a cruel act that is passed down from many generations. We need to act now to help preserve the innocent animals that are being affected. Thank you.

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This article has 29 comments.

Storm-E-Nite said...
on Mar. 31 2015 at 9:55 am
@WYOMINGmountainMAN Deer and brids havn't done anything bad to us. Cows and chickens have.

Eli Farley said...
on Jan. 5 2015 at 11:39 pm
@coolman456 @ShelbyCarlson Do a little more research on hunting and the benefits too. You said that hunting is unnecessary because we get our food from super markets now. the meat from those super markets had to come from some animal somewhere too. And if you look at the average quality of a farm environment, you will see that the animals there are actually far worse off than the ones we hunt. A bullet sends the animal into shock and turns it unconscious within a second. Death follows less that a minute later. Also, I have never met a hunter that hunts solely for trophy. We might take a trophy in addition to the meat, but we never leave the carcass to rot.

on Dec. 1 2014 at 8:02 pm
coolman456, you still don't under stand. No meat is waisted and if we do a mount, it is just a head mount and it works just like what Rastaman said. And we rarly ever, rarly throw any meat away and we don't by much beef. Saves us alot of money

sssta said...
on Jul. 27 2014 at 2:13 am
hunting should be banned very quickly  

coolman456 said...
on May. 9 2014 at 12:20 pm
hunting should be banned

on Apr. 12 2014 at 4:31 am
I hunt every year, so does everyone in my family. We never waste meat and the worst hunting accident i've ever personally experienced is catching my finger in a leg trap. Hunting is a very safe sport and good for the environment ( too many deer or elk in an area and disease and starvation will wipe them out). You would have to be completely ignorant on firearm safety to shoot someone while hunting. The hearing loss problem is easily solved with suppressors, and as long as you practice marksmanship and don't try taking the animal from too far away, it wont suffer. If you are in a hunting area in season and are not wearing your orange, you are the only one to blame for being shot. Also have fun at that super market when the supply trucks stop coming in. Me and my family will be well fed. Will yours?

kbean11399 said...
on Apr. 3 2014 at 3:34 pm
you dont understand. Us hunters, even if we hang it on a wall, us it as food. A taxadermy " after its been skinned" replaces the body with wood and puts the fur over it.

Bmrad said...
on Feb. 20 2014 at 1:41 pm
Rastaman is right

Rastaman said...
on Jan. 28 2014 at 12:48 pm
Well hunting is not that cruel act of violence some random person convinced you it is. When an animal is shot it doesn't feel anything. It may run a little, but that's nerves and adrenalin.