Hooked in Chains | Teen Ink

Hooked in Chains

May 14, 2013
By apoyo BRONZE, Evanston, Wyoming
apoyo BRONZE, Evanston, Wyoming
1 article 2 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Music saves lives

Tic… Tic… Tic… Tic… Tic… is all I hear in the dark, empty cobble room I lay shivering in. I listen to the small pitter-patter of water coming off the ceiling and running down the walls, it calms me in this lethal place. Once in awhile I will hear shouts and groans from my master. I lightly brush my arm, moaning in pain, feeling the swollen bruise on my arm I had acquired today when I had fumbled and spilled my master’s food. If we mess up or get something wrong, he beats us.
I hear pounding footsteps, panting, and a sob outside of my door. Then I hear my master screaming for Rosa to come back to him. I was completely scared; I mean, how could I not be scared? I wanted to help her and I wanted to try to keep her safe but I couldn’t.
“I’m sorry that I can’t help, Rosa…” is all I can think. At the moment all is quiet but a sob every now and then, then I hear stomps coming up stairs and a terrified high-pitched scream. Why me? How did I become his? I know I should have never taken the ‘long’ cut to my home. Why me? How did I become his? I hate what I am. I am a slave.

I hear soft steps coming up the stairs, getting closer to ‘my room,’ then my door slams open and I cringe at the light. Waiting for my eyes to adjust, I already know who it is.

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