Memories | Teen Ink


September 27, 2013
By AnzaK SILVER, High Point, North Carolina
AnzaK SILVER, High Point, North Carolina
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be the change you want to see in the world"

Avalon was one of the most popular girls in her forever high school in Florida. She was outgoing and selfish. She never cared about anyone other than herself. Her parent were really tired of her this kind of behavior, but she was arrogant she didn’t care what her parents thought of her. Her parent’s would think it was their fault because they spoiled her. After all it was their oldest child. They had another child who was 13 but she wasn’t arrogant like her they looked like they were sisters but when you talked to them you wouldn’t believe they are sister because of their behavior.

It was Friday night,jenny was fighting with Avalon for not going to movies with them.” You never go anywhere with us, it’s like we are not you family” jenny said. “Shut up I’m older than you don’t talk to me like that, I’ll go and do what ever I want I am 17 I don’t have to hang around with you , and mom dad ”Avalon said. “You are going with us and that’s final “mom said “but I have plans “Avalon said. “It doesn’t matter you are going I don’t want hear another word shhhhh… no more words” mom said.

They all went for movies .it was 12am when movie finished they came out of the theater. They were walking toward the parking lot. Avalon was arguing with her litter sister. Her sister ran away from her and suddenly she didn’t know what happened one thing she remembers a scream of her sister jenny. Everything else was a blur. She couldn’t believe what had happened. she heard siren of an ambulance , fire fighters trying to move everyone her mom screaming and crying, her dad trying to hold mom. Avalon doesn’t no what’s going on she just wants to get to her parents and ask them what happened what’s wrong.

Why are they taking jenny to the hospital she is fine nothing happened to her? Avalon just stood there crying screaming “where are you taking my sister take her out of body bag please leave her nothing’s wrong with her.” They took mom and dad with them in a ambulance they were fine nothing happened to them they went with jenny. Avalon was left alone in the parking lot crying she took the car and drove so fast she felt like she’ll crash anytime but she doesn’t care about herself. Only one thing was in her mind spinning again and again “ they put jenny in a body bag which means I don’t even want to think about what it means.”

“It’s been 6months since my sister passed away but It still feel like it was yesterday.” “ I hate myself, she died because of me If I wasn’t arguing with her if I didn’t try to hit her she wouldn’t run away and none of this would have had happened.”Avalon was blaming herself for everything. It was October 1st October everyone was getting excited in 11th grade class because it was Avalon’s birthday on October 7th. Every year whole class will get excited start making plans a week before the birthday but not this year. Avalon was not excited about her birthday she hated it. October 6th she was sitting on her bed crying and wishing if her sister was here with her .Because every year jenny would ask her to spend her birthday with family but Avalon would always say no and didn’t like her sister’s gifts, she thought the photo albums, and a heart shaped locket that her sister gave her were childish she would throw them in her drawer and never look at them again. Avalon searched the drawers for all the gifts that her sisters had given her. It was a family album that jenny had made for Avalon on her 16th birthday , it had all the memories of them being happy , playing when they were little. Tears were falling from her eyes while she was looking at the photo album . she wore the locket that her sister had given her on her 15th birthday it had a family picture in it.

When she picked up a photo album something fell from it. A white pice of paper folded in half, Avalon picked it up and it was from jenny.

“ I know you don’t like spending time with us, but we always miss you when you are not with us we always want you to be with us. We want you to be happy that’s why mom and dad never say anything to you . you are the best sister but I’ll always miss you, when I look at other kids with their older sibling’s I always miss you and think why can’t we be like them play in the park , go shopping ,movies. I know you are too busy with you own life but I just wanted to tell you I love u and always will.”

Avalon cried so much and stated screaming. Her mom came into the room so fast she looked at Avalon and the letter in her hand she read it and started crying. She hugged Avalon and tried to comfort her but she couldn’t. “Honey nothing happened because of you it was an accident “mom said. But Avalon had this guilt that it was all her fault. Next day it was her birthday but she wasn’t there didn’t celebrated her birthday. After the day she started doing community work with her counselor and helping teens who have issues with their parents, siblings, friends. Every day after getting home Avalon visits her sisters room and shares what she did she feels like her sister is their she can hear her , feel her energy in the room. It’s been 2 year nobody still forgot the day of an accident everyone still misses jenny.
Not all stories have happy endings…..

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