Sammy's Miracle | Teen Ink

Sammy's Miracle

December 5, 2013
By autumnlovespie BRONZE, Chillicothe, Illinois
autumnlovespie BRONZE, Chillicothe, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
don't cry because its over smile because it happened.

Once on a little farm in Belmont, IL lives a family of 3 a 6yr old boy named Sammy soy he loved to farm with his mother Mary soy and father Davey soy and a dog named lacy who was a beagle a cute 16 week. old pup. Sammy was at school in kindergarten not knowing what’s to come when he gets home. Sammy was drawing a picture of his farm house and all of a sudden he cough and his head felt over heated he told his teacher and she said go down to the office to get his temperature taken. He was walking down to the office he finally got down there he said to the clerk I don’t feel good and I am hot well they took his temp it was high 102.1 so he sat down and cough and cough over and over again the clerk called his mom and she was on her way Sammy went to get his book bag his mom pulled up and parked in the parking lot of Kami’s Kindergarten Center she put on her glasses she had in a case Sammy’s mom walked in and sighed him out and off they went home to the little farm. They pulled up in the dirt driveway and parked in the barn Davey was home and he came out picked Sammy up and carried him in to the house upstairs and around the corner and in his room Sammy’s room was filled with toys and a TV a fan a closet and trains on the wall. He laid Sammy down on the bed change him in to pjs and gave him a hug I’ll be back up in 10 minutes ok? Ok said Sammy. He lay there coughing and sneezing snorting and sweating. He thought he could go back to school in less than 2 days but that was a maybe still. Sammy obeyed his parents but if he got mad he would blow up. Davey came back upstairs and checked on Sammy he was sleeping so he shut the door a little and closed the window he went back downstairs so he could talk to his wife Mary. Dave what are going to go about Sammy he needs a doctor hurry and call and make appointment Dave! Ok ok. Well what did the doc say he can come here today at 3:00 right now in the story its 10:45. Sammy was taking a bath because his fever became high like 102.4. *knot knot* the docs here Mary ok said Mary. Mary walked down stairs here’s Sammy be carefully he’s achy the doctor checked him out and he walked over to the parents and said I will have to go a blood test at the sound of that Sammy went right to rage. Sammy you have to ok? Said his mother said no! Scream Sammy the doctor took the needle his parents held him down once the needle went in he screamed and cried it was finally over he wiped the tears away and his mom was holding him the doctor left in his van that said Doc on the Run. Sammy go lay down ok? Said his dad ok daddy said Sammy. A few hours later around 7:37 Sammy was sleeping he had a rough day his parents were down stairs making dinner soup with water to drink his mom brought up the soup to him Sammy? Said his mom yes mommy? Said Sammy time to eat ok? Asked his mom ok he said he ate the whole thing he was hungry he had not ate for 7 hour due to headache. Time 12:59am Sammy asleep and parents in bed to all of a sudden Sammy lets out a cry mommy daddy!! Dave runs in Sammy you ok Mary run in a sec later oh god call the doctor now! Dave his skin was purple kind of well just his arm a little and on his face Dave ran back up the doc said take him to the hospital ok! Said Mary picking up Sammy and running out the door and in the car as they were on the way Sammy cough over and over again you ok? Ask his mom no said Sammy she looked in the back to find her son a nosebleed as she handed Sammy a clenex and he tilted his head back a few mins later were here grab him Dave ill sigh him in ok? Ok said Dave. There were in a room quick Sammy seen a doctor the doctor ran test he found all his red blood cells were shutting down the doctor gave Sammy a IV and antibiotics to help the cells work and get him healthy again. A few hours later 5:13am Sammy was sleeping parents were resting to. Its 9:02am the doctor came in Sammy was drinking apple juice and eating a piece of toast his parents went to the cafeteria to eat they were starving. They came back up to the room at 10:00am to see him how you feeling honey? Said his mom good mom I think I not sick anymore the doctor came in all of a sudden with a needle and said I need to take blood now! Ok? Asked the doc ok said the parents ow said Sammy is ok said is dad. The doctor said that he has a disease that was life threating he started to cry his parents said how did he get it? The doctor replied an airborne disease oh no! Said his dad the doctor walked out a few seconds later Sammy’s parents talked and talked. Sammy was scared and worried about everything his mom sang to him a song her mom sang to her when she was sick and sleepy la la la la hummed his mom he fell asleep the doctor came in about 1 hour later 11:45am with medicine Sammy sat up and took it and fell back to sleep his parents stayed up to fill out papers to the medicine. About a week later after treatment and medicine after medicine he felt better the doctor took blood to make sure he was ok he was his parents filled out the papers to release him. There were on the way home dancing in the back of the car Sammy was singing and cheering that he was well. As they a came up the driveway and parked in to the barn and headed in the house to celebrate his recovery yes this a story of a boy who was brave and overcame every obstacle he had to face the struggles and things he faced were hard but went his parents helped that’s all the miracle he needed!.
The end
By autumn frost
2012 sep 27

The author's comments:
its awesome

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