Environment and Perception of People Nowadays | Teen Ink

Environment and Perception of People Nowadays

January 31, 2014
By ainatsuraiya GOLD, Kuantan, Other
ainatsuraiya GOLD, Kuantan, Other
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One of the problems that are rising now in this world besides politics and economics is also the environment that is getting worse by every year. Even though everyone has already conceded to the fact that we should save environment but we can only see a minority of people that are actually trying to take an action about this.

By being committed in saving the environment we are not actually expecting them to make new inventions but instead we are just hoping that the society would go for things like car pooling or maybe by joining the ‘Go Green’ campaigns that are always held. Even by buying hybrid cars and recycled items would help a lot in saving the environment.

A lot of us actually question, what would actually be the big effect if we use or buy things that are environment friendly as it is going to vanish anyway soon enough. Well let us question you back then, what if in the future, we would be out of fuel, we will have no other source to replace it and in other to travel we just had to depend on bicycles, and everyone has to buy expensive hybrid cars because it is more needed then than now. Now we question you again would you rather pay extra one hundred thousand dollar to save the environment so that people can live peacefully in the future or save that one hundred thousand dollar now so that in the future people would have to wait for thousands of years to wait for new fuel to be made and they would have to find another way of surviving without fuel, they would have to pay millions of dollars just to ride a car because they are out of fuel and we remind you again that fuel cannot be replenished . Yes we understand that everyone knows this but do they really understand about it? Do they think about this before they buy things? This concept is not just for fuel but also for trees, coals and other valuable gifts of nature.

We appreciate the fact that some governments already took an advance step to solve this problem, but do the citizens support the change is the problem that we are facing now. For example, Malaysia has taken a step forward to let Saturdays no plastic days so they will have to bring their own bags in order to go shopping or do groceries, but if they still want plastic bags they would have to pay twenty cents per each. Some of them thinks that twenty cents is noting and might as well they just pay for it instead of bringing their own bag and this problem occurs because they don’t see the main reason why the government is trying to do so. Even thought, the money given would be saved for The Green Projects but we believe that it is more efficient to save the environment by not using plastic bags instead.

So the conclusion from my essay is that in order to save the environment, everyone needs to participate in this green project and realize what is actually happening now in this world and know the reasons behind it besides the aftermaths that is going to happen in order to make this world a better place to stay for the betterment of us all.

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