The True Me | Teen Ink

The True Me

February 22, 2014
By lovemejustme SILVER, Hammond, Indiana
lovemejustme SILVER, Hammond, Indiana
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
be true to who you are

I'm the kind of person that loves who they are and would like to show the world the true me. I didn't get accepted to the high school that I wanted to go to. Now I feel like big part of me has been stripped away from me. My whole life I have been considered smart. Now I feel like that title should be taken from me because I don’t deserve it. We go to school and we get labeled. It sticks with us until the day we graduate. I was classified as the smart, shy, sweet, and honest kid back in telemetry. All of it is a lie. I’m not sweet at all the world just aggravates me. I am only smart because I try to live up to my title. I’m shy because I don’t like to show the world that I’ve been a fake for the past 10 years. Next year is the first year of high school. I think when I walk through that door that I’m going to be able to start all over. Be the true me. I don’t know if this fakes me really is the new me. Can I go back to who I really was? Who am I or who is the true me?

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