Dear Hummingbird | Teen Ink

Dear Hummingbird

April 7, 2014
By Susannat33 BRONZE, Rancho Cordova, California
Susannat33 BRONZE, Rancho Cordova, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"Dear S,
How should I heal my broken wings? How should I heal my broken hope? How can I fly again?

Dear Hummingbird,

This will be the hardest battle you will face, but you must have the will to fight. Do not let the darkness submerge you, even if that’s all you ever see. Pay attention to the beauty in the little things. Instead of darkness, let nature submerge you. Think positive thoughts even if you don’t think you have any left. Believe in yourself, you are strong and you can fly again. Imagine the ocean; paint the beautiful picture in your mind. Smell the salt breeze, feel the grainy warm sand, watch the water. Be like water. No matter what hits water or what situation it’s in, it’s always water. It’s always able to reform into what it originally was. It has the power to destroy and create. The power to wash away everything and give things a new start. A start from scratch, so do you. Your broken wings need time to heal, your broken hope longer still, but all hope is not lost, it never is. Look for kindness in strangers eyes. Look for knowledge of your pain. Embrace compassion and love. Happiness may feel like a lifetime away but as each sunset casts its shadow over you and each sunrise awakens the earth, let it too awaken your soul. Focus on the beauty of the dust floating in the air, swirling, dancing in the early morning light. Focus on the way the earth smells right after a rain storm, fresh, awake, alive. Watch the way the birds fly, free from any restraints and as you love them, love yourself and you will fly again. Watch your reflection and realize that you too are beautiful. This is very important. Please remember that this too shall pass my friend. You may feel like you are broken but you are not. You are perfect, simply a little lost. It’s time to find your way back home.
Love always,

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