Happiness | Teen Ink


June 2, 2014
By Anonymous


From the moment Gabby stepped off the plane Mathew was excited, it had been months since he had seen his sister last. Not only was Mathew happy but so was their Mother, she always enjoyed the time she got to spend with her children but especially her two daughters, since they do not normally see each other. Stepping off the plane you could see the joy in each of the girls eyes when they saw their family. Gabby the youngest ran to her mother and leaped into her arms and hung onto her like a koala. After minutes of remising they all headed to the baggage pick area of the airport, so they could get their suitcases and head on their way home, to finish their celebration of Christmas.

As the family all walked through the airport, Gabby with her bright pink suitcase and Brittany with her bright red suitcase, they talked about their new baby cousin they had not met yet. His name is Colby, Colby was only nine months old at the time so he did not yet understand the idea of Christmas. Colby and his mother were waiting at the curb of the airport to pick up the their family. Once arriving to the car Colby was screaming so loud you were able to hear it outside of the vehicle. But that did not turn them away they are got in and buckled up and started to head home.

After a two hour car ride of a crying, screaming and unhappy baby they finally arrived home. Once walking inside Gabby’s eye spotted the bright and color Christmas tree. The shining gifts underneath caught her attention.
“Merry Christmas! I have been waiting all day to see what Santa has brought me this year, so is it time to find that out?” Gabby said anxiously.
“I know you have been very patient just wait one second for everyone to be ready and then you can open the gifts.”
The three children sat on the ground in the living room and sat patiently for their Mother and Aunt to be as ready as they were. While sitting patiently the three talked among themselves.
“Gabby how was your Christmas with your Father?” Matthew asked.
“It was good he made a delicious breakfast this morning. We had eggs, biscuits, gravy, hashbrowns, bacon and fruit. Oh yeah and I had fresh squeezed orange juice along with a glass of milk.”
“Mmmmm, that sounds heavenly!” Brittany responded.
It seemed like hours had past but in reality it had only been five minutes. Once the children got their gifts there was not a word spoken, the room was filled with ripping paper and ooohs and ahhhs. Gabby received a gift wrapped in cream colored tape, it only took ten minutes to unwrap the box. When opening the box there was toilet paper. Gabby was a little disappointed until she lifted up the toilet paper to her surprise she found a brand new ipod nano. Her face was priceless, you could see the excitement.
Her mother informed her that the ipod was from Matthew. Before her Mother could finish Gabby ran to her brother leap onto to him and gave him the biggest hug. Matthew face lite up with joy when he realized his little sister enjoyed the Christmas gift he got her.
It was easy to see each and everyone's excitement and joy throughout the family. They children were pleased not only to have received good gifts but also enjoyed worshiping Jesus who is our savior. Christmas is not only about the yummy food, bright lights and presents. It is important to remember we are what we are today because of what Jesus did for us.

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