Should Students Be Able to Grade Their Teachers | Teen Ink

Should Students Be Able to Grade Their Teachers

July 15, 2014
By sonia03 BRONZE, Hilmar, California
sonia03 BRONZE, Hilmar, California
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I have recently read an article about should students be able to grade their teachers, and could not help but to agree with what was said. Now not everyone is going to agree with it, but being a student in High School still and have had problems with teachers being able to grade them would have been beneficial for me and the other kids after me, for they can change their way of teaching.

Okay I totally understand that parents, teachers, other random people are going to say, “They have their degree They know what they are doing.” They also might say that ”They have been teaching for years they know what they are doing.” They also might say “They are just students how are they gonna grade teachers, especially those that have a degree.”

According to debate a survey was taken if they agree with students gradeing their teachers. The results were: 81% of people said that students should grade their teachers and only 19% said that no students shouldn’t grade their teachers. Also on debate a reasoning on behind why they said students should grade their teachers is when they get a good grade on a test they want to say thank you to the teacher for a good job on teaching. A reasoning behind why they shouldn’t is because they think that students are too immature to grade them. With some people yes that is true, but not with everyone.

While reading this article from the New York Times, by Michael Gonchar I could not help but take a step back to what I was reading: 33 percent of fourth graders aren’t reading at grade level!? Reading that was a complete shock. One quarter of high school students don’t graduate on time or if at all. Being a seventeen year old student about to be a senior reading that statistic making me feel not so good and scared because I know teachers that don’t really teach and I have the potential to become another statistic.

So therefore I do believe students should be able to grade their teachers and that evaluation sheet should be used by the principals. Parents and other faculty members think we students do not know what good and bad teaching look like. Well you are wrong because we do, you can tell when a teacher knows what they are talking about and one that is confused and asking the other teachers that teach the same subject.

Sonia Toste

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Anonymous said...
on Feb. 3 2015 at 5:10 pm
@MyFriendsAreOwls Hi!