social issues | Teen Ink

social issues

September 11, 2014
By Anonymous

Technology has been advancing throughout the year and it will keep advancing. Maybe in the future, the technology will be improved than now. I interviewed my neighbor Mrs. White and she was telling me how the technology when she was a girl, teenager, and a mature adult. The way she was telling me the technology in her days was like the old fashion way. Everything was black and whites no color. There were no electronics such as IPad or IPod. Almost everything was not digital or HD only simple stuff like regular TV’s and a hefty camera that takes pictures only black and white. This is what Mrs. White was telling me the  technology now and back then.






Back in the days, technology was not prior like today considering they were still making new stuff for a new era.  Some of the classic technology was slow for the reason they had basic cameras as well as the TV’s that were not normal size as ours TV’s. Her short television was like a regular size like a box and it was including with black and white color. Mrs. White said to me. “The TV’s that I own had been limited and with black and white show’s, but the TV’s you have now obtain so much color and it is completely clear and simple to watch your shows outside or inside”. Every day, Mrs. White would watch her shows and wonders if they could add color to the old TV’s and countless people would be delighted and prepare their life superior. 






When Mrs. White was getting older, the Technology is now different now. Their TVs have full color and their cameras are now smaller and still black and white pictures. But she was overjoyed considering the TV shows now have color and its exceptional than watching the black and white shows again. Mrs. White was also devastating how the medicine was different throughout her years. She tells me that the medicine has developed a bunch. She told me that “I am completely grateful that the medicine has been improving by cause of  now it’s saving people's lives but if it wasn't the doctors then people lives will be lost or they would absolutely get sick and keep getting the other society sick”.  Mrs. White also said that she could use the medicine for her family and friends and for herself in as much as she knows it was proven by doctors.






Mrs. White was getting older she telling me that when she was an adult the technology were quite a struggle considering the technology has been improving completely now. Back then there were like black and white shows and pictures. The TV’s and the cameras are simple  and useful. Now these technology have digital and HD. Mrs. White was telling me that now the technology are kind of confusing seeing they're all like digital and the TV’s are huge, clear and have full color. She said that “Now all you see is teenagers walking around and sticking their heads to their phones.” She was also sad since she remember how the technologies were basic and plain.

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