Own Idea Of American Dream | Teen Ink

Own Idea Of American Dream

September 12, 2014
By Liizette BRONZE, San Fernando, California
Liizette BRONZE, San Fernando, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments



I grew up living with my godfather, a very important man in my life. He’s like a dad to me because he always treated me like I am one of his daughters. I never really understood why he hid his other son from us. Once he introduced him, I asked “Where’s his mom at?” ... He never answered my question till now that I’m older.

So he told me his story ... He lived in México for a while and then met her. They fell in love and had a child together. Once he realized that living in méxico wasn't going to take him far in life he had the courageous decision and moved to the frontier and then move to America because he had dreams he wanted to come true ... So he left his son and his ex-wife in méxico. He was young around 15-17. If he would have  arrived America earlier, he would’ve had the chance to study here and get a better education as he wished. But he just wanted time to prepare himself when coming to America. He wanted to make sure he had the support he needed to come here. Which he did and was grateful for that. He said “We got permission from the officers to come to America as many times as we wanted.” but he waited for the right time ... Once he thought he was ready he got the ‘tourist passport’ for three days. He used it to cross over. He softly said “I just thought of working, getting a job. You know?” He got a job the third day he arrived here. He said it didn't matter if you had a high school diploma or not as long as you wanted to work and stay committed to your job you had a spot. Even if you didn't know how, he said they taught you step-by-step.

He had no trouble getting here having the advantage of the ‘tourist passport’. Luckily he had some family members here in America, so they received him and had a roof to live in, food, a room. But once he started working he started to pay them, thanking them like that for what they’ve done for him. “I had difficulty once I was here because of the of the different language.” he said. He wishes he would have came here earlier to get a good education. His brothers and sister had the advantage to go to school here graduate and go to college.  

He got arrived America and saw everything exactly how he envisioned it. He said, looking away calmly “When I got here I thought it was beautiful, different from México. There was more control, everything was better.” He wishes he can go back, but only to visit he says and to reunite with old childhood friends and family.

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