Descriptive Singing | Teen Ink

Descriptive Singing

December 15, 2008
By Anonymous

It was starting to get hot in the back of the stage and I was feeling the sweat run down my face. Looking out into the audience, it was dim enough that I could barely make out the faces of the people. I could feel my heart pounding so fast, it was like a drum roll. Every part of me was throbbing with excitement. To keep the feeling of nausea down I was bouncing back and forth from one foot to the other and shaking my hands. There was a dull murmur coming from the crowd and a soft whisper echoing around the group. I could here the music start to serenade its way around and it felt like my feet were made of lead. My vision was blurring in and out. I felt a soft touch on the shoulder from one of my fellow singers. It was time to sing.

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