A Letter to the Person I Want to be | Teen Ink

A Letter to the Person I Want to be

December 18, 2008
By Anonymous

Every single day I wish I could be like you. Not just to make myself happy, but also the people I love. If I were more like you, I'd be a better daughter, sister and friend.
You're confident and completely happy with who you are. You don't strive for the "perfect" body, and you don't care about what people think of you because you're so secure with you are. Me on the other hand, I always worry if I'm pretty enough, smart enough or just good enough in general. I have dreams and goals, but I'm unsure if I'll ever reach them, but you know exactly how you'll make your dreams realities.
I know how lucky I am to have the people I love in my life, yet I take them for granted. I'm aware that my dad is sick and may not have a lot of time left, but I'm too selfish to forgive him for all the pain he's caused me. I'm racked with guilt for turning my back on him, and fear for I may lose him forever, If I were like you, I'd be kinder and more forgiving.
You're not hypocritical or skeptical.
You're nice, but people don't walk all over you.
You're stong, but not arrogant.
But I've realized that, for the most, part, I actually am happy with who I am. I realized that I don't have to be perfect, because it's not expected of me. Everyone's flawed, and I can't waste my life trying to better myself, when I don't need to

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