The Life of a Fangirl | Teen Ink

The Life of a Fangirl

January 27, 2015
By Anonymous

Sometimes, things you don’t expect to happen, do. Like how Supernatural became my favorite TV show. See, now my brother and I don’t necessarily watch the same type of shows. I like the dramatic kind, like New Girl or Charmed. He likes the educational shows, like Top gear or Mythbusters. But as I was looking through Netflix I saw Supernatural in the ‘recently watched’ section. After reading the description I decided to watch it. Little did I know at that point that this show would become one of the most important things in my life. Sure, that seems kind of pathetic, but this show involves some of my favorite things, and it even has a life lesson or two.
So basically, Supernatural incorporates what has been one of my big interests since I was a kid, the paranormal, monsters, supernatural beings, or the things that go bump in the night. Whatever you call them, they’re there. Plus it’s my favorite genre of TV show, like I said before, drama. There’s just so much to keep up with, you miss one episode and five characters could've died! Speaking of characters, this is where one of those life lessons comes in, it teaches you the importance of family. No matter what sort of drama they have to deal with, it always comes back to family. Out of all the things that I love about this show,  I find these the best, the spooky beings they hunt, the drama they go through, and the family they love.
So the things that go bump in the night; what are they? More like what aren’t they. In the beginning of the series it was just your basic creatures. Wendigos, shapeshifters, spirits, werewolves, you know, the usual. Once in a while they would get some sort of urban legend. Bloody Mary for example, or houses being built on Indian burial grounds. These things were easy to deal with. Just get some salt, iron, holy water, or some other common tool and it’d be good. That was until the angels came. The first appearance of an angel was when Castiel showed up; the one who “gripped Dean tight and raised him from perdition.” After that there’s been all sorts of angels, Michael, Lucifer, Gabriel, the whole crew. Then Michael and Lucifer started the apocalypse and it was just one big drama fest.
Which brings me to my next point, all the drama. There is not one episode where one of the main characters does not have any drama. Whether it’s some girl, a curse, one of them is kidnapped by a monster, or someone dies. (which is actually a very common occurrence in this show.) There was an episode where one of the main characters, Dean, died literally over and over and over. He got shot, hit by a car, attacked by a dog, ate a bad taco, electrocuted, axe to the face, and so much more. Shocker, this was all because of an angel, Gabriel, to be exact. Which isn’t quite as bad as what his brothers did, they started the apocalypse. Well, only the first apocalypse, there’s been about two or three. And of course, they always involved either Sam, the other main character, or Dean sacrificing themselves. Which means that the other brother is going to try and take the other’s place and sacrifice himself so his brother can live. It’s a vicious cycle. But, I guess that’s what you do for family.
Family. That’s what it all comes back to. No matter what they’ve been hunting the only thing that matters to them is family. Their family though, isn’t just by blood. It’s everybody they care about, everybody they love. But this family is dangerous, at any moment one of them could get killed. A family of hunters. But as Bobby, Sam and Dean’s father figure, said, “Family don’t end in blood, boy.” In this family though, it usually did. From Dean going to Hell because he sold his soul to save Sam, to Sam jumping into a hole to save Dean and the world. Even if it did mean he would be stuck in a cage in Hell with Michael and Lucifer. The thing with these two brothers though is they always knew they would find a way to bring the other back. They never gave the other a proper hunter’s funeral. Cause if they did, that would mean they’re gone… forever. No body to come back to. No sliver of hope left.
So now you know why I call this show basically the focal point in my life. It’s based on my love of the paranormal and supernatural, it’s my favorite kind of show, drama, and it teaches you that no matter what, family will always be there for you. Which I should thank a certain member of my family for introducing me to this show. I mean even if he does make fun of me for watching it so much.

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