"Life" | Teen Ink


February 26, 2015
By Anonymous

Some people say "life's a candle" some say "an icecream" Being more logical for providing explanations of life is actually not as easy.Maybe its just an illusion or is it?We can't truly understand life unless we are dead I suppose.What is the importance of life?Is another matter entirely,people can tell us a lot about this stuff.I am going to too,in my opinion life is most important for what you do with it or how you spend it which depends from man to man,but whatever you do here probably effects our after life(my thought)a lot of people say "I'll do it tomorrow" what if there is no tomorrow and they are wasting today.I used to be a child who said "look,Dad I'm gonna tell the future.After five seconds I'm gonna scream" then after 5 seconds I actually screamed.This sort of attitude usually goes away as you grow.People ask that whatever happens is already written,Right?Then what is our mistake nis committing sins?Now I ask them that when you are going to do something that they know is wrong,don't they have a choice?You do but you choose the easy way and the easy way is always bad because teasing a begger is much easier than helping him.A lot of great thinkers say that we should spend everyday as if we will die tomorrow,I agree.With such an attitude we might not commit as many sins and probably worry about "next".Our life should be spent with some worry or some aim,because without such things we will lose ourselves and will become inhuman,we should care for others so we can be taken care of when our time comes,we must not hurt others in any way because it will continue a cycle of hatred and there will be no one to stop it because its a human quality to get emotional quickly.I say we must strive for peace and reject racism and stuff,we shold only know that we all are humans made by the same God and we all have equal rights,no black is better than a white no white is better than an asian no asian is better than a black.We ust not think of ourselves as king when we only have something normally people don't posess there is only one king who can't be matched in anything and we shall not try and be like him because it is not possible.In the end I will say that life "is" like an icecream in the freezer or sun,well that depends but one day it will end and we must not wait for the day before that one day because it may be tomorrow.

The author's comments:

I'm a calm dude.

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