Could You Be a Professional Too? | Teen Ink

Could You Be a Professional Too?

March 6, 2015
By Meghan56 BRONZE, Woonsocket, Rhode Island
Meghan56 BRONZE, Woonsocket, Rhode Island
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Throughout the world, the profession of dance is a major career in which people partake. But the real question is how many people actually get into the dance world for an actual career?  Dance is one of the hardest industries to get into even though it is one of the most desired professions out there. In most cases, before any dancer can land a job in the big leagues, a dancer must go through a series of countless auditions that are crucial to their career; this is what could make you, or break you.

Before becoming a professional dancer, everyone needs to start from the lowest level of dancing, or rock-bottom, in order to become a more advanced and experienced dancer. Most professionals started before they were enrolled in a typical school, so dancing is the only thing they really knew how to do. Once they hit their teenage years, most dancers enroll into fine art schools for performing arts where they received their education there; however, if that person did not go to a performing arts school and went go to a regular high school, they took extra dance classes to become a better-rounded dancer. After high school, students will immediately seek for jobs or go to a performing arts university where they will fine tune their skills so they can try to receive job with a degree.

In all of the various styles of dance, about 30 percent of dancers work professionally with performing art companies, which says an abundant amount about how hard it is getting into the dance industry.  Also, about 57 percent of dancers are private instructors that run dance studios. Although most dancers hope to become the famed-picturesque-flawless artists in the dance industry, being a dance teacher helps the growth of younger dancers in hope that they will make in far. 

Through past experience, dance teachers have the effect to change your life and make sure your dancing experience is the one of learning and enjoyment; I have witnessed this first hand with my own dance instructor. Dance teachers can also be just like regular school teachers, they are hard on you, they yell, but they know how to have a bit of fun every once in a while; that is what being a great dance teacher is about.
In the end, because dancers put themselves through gruesome pain and years of practice and training, some will make it out on top to become some of the most professional dancers out there and unfortunately, some only make it past dance classes. Should you be proud of yourself because of this? The answer is yes! You should be proud of yourself for whatever you do because it takes so much effort, strength, and mentality to become a dancer.

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