Making People Happy | Teen Ink

Making People Happy

March 25, 2015
By vicgrace SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
vicgrace SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"In the end we only regret the chances we didn't take"

Helping people has always been something I’ve strived for. It lights up my day to just see someones face light up because of something I did. I know what it’s like to be having a bad day and then out of no where someone does something little or they say something nice to you and it really shows that someone cares. Helping people is what made me choose a career. I am type one diabetic and the doctors were more than helpful with teaching me how to take care of myself and I remember how happy I was when they taught me to  deal with my diabetes. Right now I work in retail and sometimes there is elderly people that come in and can't find what they want so I do what I was taught to do and go up to ask them if I can help them. They end up saying yes, but I end up just kind of looking at them because I notice that in their faces they were sad that they couldn’t find things or read something on their own. But at the same time they are happy that I took time out of my day to help them with such a little task. In school high schoolers are role models for the younger kids, so when they go by you they might want a high five or a wave or smile, something to be noticed by a “older” kid. It makes me feel good when I walk past kids and you do something they like and they laugh and smile and turn to talk to their friends about what you just did. I can honestly say that helping people and making people smile is something that I love to do even if I have a hard time doing it myself because everyone needs to smile and laugh at some point, even if it’s by a complete stranger, who knows one random act of kindness could change someones decisions forever.

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