Our World! | Teen Ink

Our World!

May 15, 2015
By Malik richardson BRONZE, Palm Bay, Florida
Malik richardson BRONZE, Palm Bay, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In 20 years it is expected that our non-renewable energy such as coal, petroleum, natural gas, propane, and uranium will start to run extremely low or just run out. This type of energy is called nonrenewable because they cannot be replaced on a daily basis. According to this paper “Petroleum, a fossil fuel, for example, was formed hundreds of millions of years ago, before dinosaurs existed. It was formed from the remains of ancient sea life, so it cannot be made quickly”. I feel that fossil fuels created a lot of pollution, like the warming of our earth which made the green house effect. Due to this fear of losing non-renewable energy we need to find a new dependable type of energy: renewable enegry.

In my opinion the future is all about renewable energy. Biomass, geothermal, hydropower, solar, and wind are all renewable energy. They are called renewable because they are replenished in a short time. Rivers will flow, breeze will blow and the sun rises and shines day to day. All for free. Nuclear energy Is something I think we should use more. My relatives in France say they pay very little for their electric bill. France gets the majority of their energy from nuclear energy, and it is pretty safe.

An energy source I feel more people will look into is solar energy. My parents are planning on using this type of energy for our home. To make a long story short when my parents set up the solar panels (which seem expensive at first) Florida Power and Light (FPL) will buy electricity from them during the day, and give my parents power during the night. At the end of the month FPL will send a check to my parents for supplying them with the extra current. If more people find this out I think they would try it. With solar energy there is no danger to the environment because it doesn’t leak any poisonous gasses in the air or makes any noise.

Hydropower is one of the most economical forms of power. Hydropower refers to using water to generate electricity. That is why many factories are close to dams for the use of hydropower. A good example of this is Niagara Falls which uses this form of renewable energy. In conclusion, In 20 years from now I feel the world will be using renewable much more than non- renewable, especially because it has less negative impact to our planet & less green house effect.

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It's about our World!

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