The Answer | Teen Ink

The Answer

May 19, 2015
By grojas BRONZE, San Francisco, California
grojas BRONZE, San Francisco, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

      “This will be a day to remember.” This is the first thing I said to myself that day because I was taken into an indoor skydiving facility.  When I got in I felt like I could fly, which is everyone’s dream of course. Why did I go there? For the fun of doing something amazing one day, skydiving. One day I will jump out of that steel metal bird in the sky with nothing but my soul and a parachute. 

      That feeling of nothing could go wrong happened. What did I remember about that week? Well, it was the week of having the worst things happen to me. But when I got into that tube that all went away. When I got out I felt like I could do anything!
      That feeling…the feeling of being off the ground with no care in the world about how I am able to stay alive even if I fall, but the wind that is hoisting me up feels like it would never let me down.
      When it was all over I didn’t go home yet. Right after indoor skydiving, I went rock climbing. It was fun, but it wasn’t like skydiving at all. Rock climbing is difficult in the beginning, but that’s true with everything in the beginning. But, I have something in common with rock climbing. I was repeating to myself “This is hard. Why am I doing this?” My answer was different then what I was feeling. “Get on the top. Don’t stop. Work until you drop.” That pushed me to go on trying, but I lost my grip every time I was close to the top.
      I stopped trying to climb. For a moment, I stared at the wall for as long as I felt I had to in order to be ready. I remembered something Winston Churchill once said: “When you are going through hell, keep on going. Never never ever give up.” I got up went up to the wall and told the guide I was ready. I reached up and grabbed the first rock, then the next. I was getting higher and higher. My heart was racing. Before I knew it I was at the top. While I was slowly lowered down I felt like I achieved something big for myself.
      When I arrived home, I was just speechless. My mom constantly asked me “How was it?” but I could not find an answer. Later on I answered her: “It was the best. I felt like I achieved something huge and I would like to do it again soon.”
      That dream of being off the ground soaring through the sky or even climbing walls like Spider-Man can become real. That feeling I received with a few activities was amazing. I’ve had great days, but that had to be the best day that could happen to me. By then on my worries were gone. It felt like they never happened.

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