Will your first love be the only guy you love? | Teen Ink

Will your first love be the only guy you love?

September 25, 2015
By Anonymous

Have you ever had that one person, such as your fist love, that you are in love with and cant seem to move on? Most teenage girls dont get over their first love and sadly to say im one of them. Yes, i wonder about him and if he has change of feelings for me, but what girl doesnt. Our first love is like the one that gave us the time of our lives, despite the bad times, the good times were everything to me.

We went through alot of stuff, and sadly to say i cried most of the relationship. But deep down inside, i miss him like h***. We were supposedly what they call "goals". Ha, our friends only seen what we showed them, they didnt see the inside. My mom is very strict, so we couldnt really talk about anything until i got to school. I mean i had a phone, but i was on a restriction. I hated that. Thats when things went left. I needed advice on him, so i went to a couple of his friends and they helped a little.

Then in Janurary 2015, we took each other's virginity. I remember that day, like it was yesterday. I have to admit that was the best day of my life, but im starting to regret i even let him take it. By the end of march, we started going down hill. He started doing his dirt, when i went through his phone and found out he was calling other girls "sweetheart" and "gorgeous". He even told this one girl, that i was just a friend from school...on my birthday. After I found that out, I started doing my own thing.

I started texting and talking to other people, but where i went wrong was I started talking to one of his closet friends and i admit i was wrong and apologized so many times. We didnt break up then, but it felt like i was the only one making effort to fix our relationship and he wasnt trying. After while i stopped trying and we both decided it was time. This happened in April, we ended on very bad terms. We havent spoken since then. That was the longest 8 months of my life.

I am 15 years old and in 10th grade. I was in 9th grade when all this happened. Hes a senior now and is 17 years old. It has been 5 months since we've broken up. I hated him with everything in me and still do. Now he talks to one of my friends, that I confided in about our relationship, before we broken up. Even though i miss him and is still in love with him, he has hurt me so much. Even with him talking to my friend, but he just dont know, that one of his "closet" friends are in my phone all day everyday. Some people call it being mean and disrepectful, but i call it REVENGE !

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece because i feel as if everyone should know the real story about our relationship!

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