A Heavy Load | Teen Ink

A Heavy Load

March 16, 2016
By KaylaAH BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
KaylaAH BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If you stay in the air for more than five minutes in a safety harness you can become unconscious or even worse- die because all your blood falls straight down to your feet. Bricklayers work with brick and stone to repair and build stuff, it also depends on how experienced they are, that also determines how much you get paid, what an apprenticeship is and what they do while they are apprenticeships.

Making America Beautiful One Brick at a Time
A lot of people wonder what Bricklayers actually do everyday at work. There are many things Bricklayers do in one day there never not working unless they're going out for lunch or in safety meeting(Byers). A Safety Meeting is where the workers go in with all the other workers and the bosses and they make sure everyone is being safe on the jobs and they learn how to stay safe while working. They also see how far everyone is on each of the jobs there on at that moment(Byers). Most of their work is done on the building sites or done at the maintenance shop when it’s rained a lot and they need to get their hours in for the week(Byers). Bricklayers use bricks to create walls, chimneys, and decorate stonework they also sometimes repair refurbished brickwork that has been worn out over the years(“How To Become A Bricklayer | Plotr Careers Advice | Plotr”). They also have to do a whole bunch of planning and scheduling on what to do on different days(Byers). They first have to study the building they're working on,  then they have to calculate how many materials their gonna need for the job, and have to figure out what there gonna do,  when they are going to do it, plus how they will do it(Byers). There is a Foreman that works on each job and runs the job and sometimes other Foreman's are helping on the job. The Foreman that is running the job has to do a lot of paperwork that involves math and reading and each week the  paperwork has to be done so everyone can get their hours(Byers).

The Harder you Work the More Benefits
How much money they get depends on how experienced they are and how many years they  have laid bricks . If you are just now becoming a Bricklayer your salary will be around $15,000 a year(Agency). If they are a qualified Bricklayer they usually earn around $16,000 to $23,000 a year(Agency). If they are really experienced or a senior Bricklayer they can make around $30,000 a year(Agency). So it does matter how experienced you are everyday plus how good you are at your job.. If you  in this field of work because it almost always means how much.

A Working Process to Success in Life
Most Bricklayers usually learn how to do the job by doing on-job-experience but most of them enter an apprenticeship to become a Bricklayer. They spend time in both the classroom and on the job and they get paid to do it at the same time an easy way to make so extra cash(“How To Become A Bricklayer | Plotr Careers Advice | Plotr”). There are guidelines you have to follow to be an apprentice you have to have a high school diploma or it’s equivalent and be at least 18 years of age if not you can not join(“How To Become A Bricklayer | Plotr Careers Advice | Plotr”; “How To Become A Bricklayer | Plotr Careers Advice | Plotr”). You also have to be able to be physically able to do the duties of a Bricklayer. The apprenticeship program provides both hands-on experience and classroom instruction. You have to be an apprentice for at least three or four years. For each year they have to do 144 hours of classroom instruction.. You also have to learn how to read blueprints and mathematics along with building codes to make sure you're doing the job right. Along with 2,000 hours of hands-on work experience which will cover techniques, safety procedures, and first-aid practice(Byers). Once that’s done you are on a journey to bricklaying. You do not have to do this they can just learn from someone else and or many different people at work but if they want to be more experienced and be paid more they become an apprentice.

What They're All About
Do you want to become a Bricklayer and be successful? Bricklayers do a lot of stuff and can earn many many certificates saying that you’ve learned something new and are able to really do the job. Bricklayers work with bricks and stone to work on the buildings, how much work you know how to do depends on how much you get paid, plus you can become an apprentice before you actually become a Bricklayer. How many certificates can you earn



Works Cited
Agency, Skills Funding. “Bricklayer Job Information | National Careers Service.” (2012): n. pag. Web. 15 Mar. 2016.
Byers, Brian. "Bricklayer." Personal interview.
“How To Become A Bricklayer | Plotr Careers Advice | Plotr.” n. pag. Web. 15 Mar. 2016.
---. n. pag. Web. 15 Mar. 2016.
---. n. pag. Web. 15 Mar. 2016.

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