Hunter's Moon | Teen Ink

Hunter's Moon MAG

By Anonymous

   Hunter's Moon

by K. C., Dracut, MA

There's a fiery October sunset outside my window. It pierces my eyes till they water. Warm sun. Warm colors. Happiness. Laughter. I'll take a walk. Fold my arms. Keep my warmth to myself. See the birds fly away. They're escaping. Orange. Crimson. Yellow. Vermilion. The leaves fall to give the ground they land on a healthy glow. The sun goes down in an angry, red flash. The clouds left behind are a blushing pink. October roses. The strange purple clouds behind them make an unearthly scene. The stars pop out one by one. I make a wish on the first. I ask for a sign. Then the leaves blow in circles around me. Friendly spirits to reassure. The pink clouds are now black. They form a set of stairs that lead to the Hunter's Moon.

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i love this so much!