Why People Do Drugs | Teen Ink

Why People Do Drugs

September 18, 2017
By Anonymous

You may ask yourself sometimes why do people do drugs? Well I have a story for you when I was 13 I did drugs I smoked marijuana for 2 years because I thought made me cool it didn’t make me look cool it made me look bad I was doing things that was hurting me drugs are bad for your body doing drugs is just like committing suicide people today don’t realize what they are doing to themselves by doing drugs there is so many people that die from drugs because they don’t know when to stop doing them one drug that is killing people today is heroin one person after another has died from an overdose on that drug you hear it on the news the internet people who sell drugs it’s like murder if you know anybody out there that does drugs tell them to stop now before it is too late because one day they will overdose and die from drugs or if you are doing drugs stop before it is too late because you are just killing yourself one day you will not wake up you will be dead if you continue to do drugs or anybody else that does drugs you need for your own sake is to quit and quit now and get yourself clean I am now 18 been clean for 4 years I have a girlfriend I am working my life has changed since I quit doing drugs you could be like me if you do drugs quit and change your life around and you could be like me you could have boyfriend or girlfriend I have a nice job quit doing drugs it isn’t something that will make you cool it is something that will kill you do yourself a favor and quit and change and I promise you will start to have a better life.  

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