Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

April 18, 2016
By 7condon GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
7condon GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

  Educator of the Year

I never thought I would enjoy a sport that I started playing when I was in eighth grade better than another sport I've been doing since I was three. Because of one person my passion for lacrosse has become stronger. A coach. This isn’t any ordinary coach. Coach Myers makes every practice a fun one and makes sure that every girl is always improving.

It’s the beginning of the season and the improvement of my whole team that is astonishing. The hard work really does payoff. Not only the team talks he gives that no one would want to miss, the trail mix at the beginning of each practice, and coach giving each girl a flower at the end of practice before prom. He treats each and everyone one of us like a daughter and makes sure that when a play is run well you can tell from the excitement in his voice- now that is how good lacrosse is played! Nice job ladies!

Coach Myers has already taught me so much just in the beginning of the season and I can't wait to see where that will lead myself and my team by the time the season ends. Having a coach who really enjoys what he does and truly cares about the improvement of each individual is the best kind of coach to have.

Throughout my sports career so far, I haven’t always had the best coaches. Rather than making me feel good about myself, they would make me feel like I wasn’t good enough.. I always felt that I could never improve as they would point out every mistake I made. Through dance, basketball, and soccer, I loved those sports at the time but the coaches made the sport unenjoyable. Then I started lacrosse. This changed the way I thought about sports and what I really enjoyed playing. Then having Coach Myers changed my perspective on the game even more, I now know what it is like to have such a passion  for a sport and what it feels like to improve on something you’ve worked so hard for. 

Coach Myers has made a big impact on my life and my love for the game of lacrosse. He is such a caring person who loves to see his team grow and improve whenever possible. I am voting Coach Myers for teacher of the year because of his dedication, and love for the game and his team.

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