My Favorite Teacher | Teen Ink

My Favorite Teacher

October 23, 2017
By Rachel.lacrosse BRONZE, Coconut Creek, , Florida
Rachel.lacrosse BRONZE, Coconut Creek, , Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever had a favorite teacher? That one that shapes you into who you become and helps you achieve whatever you set your mind to? The one you would nominate for teacher of the year? Well I have and that teacher is Mrs. Ziegler.

Mrs. Ziegler was my teacher in 3rd and 5th grade. One thing I loved about her is that she didn't care what your grade turned out to be as long as you tried your best. For example, in 5th grade I had a lot of struggle in math, and one day we had a chapter test on chapter 3. I studied so hard and went for extra help and Mrs. Ziegler knew I had a hard time with it. The morning of the test I went into her classroom for extra help and she said to me," I know you are having trouble with math but as long as you studied and tried your best it's ok." From then on out I knew as long as I put effort into anything I did and the outcome isn't what I wanted it to be it's ok, because I tried.

Another reason I love Mrs. Ziegler is because she has so much patience for every student she has. One day in 5th grade we were going over our math homework. I got a problem wrong and so she asked me to work it out on the board. I stopped because I was confused and I was just standing there pretending to work it out in my head. Most teachers would pick someone else to finish the problem or do it himself, but Mrs. Ziegler just waited until I figured it out because she knew I would get it no matter how long it took.

Mrs. Ziegler has so many other traits that make her teacher of the year, and these are just some of my favorite ones I love about her. Everyone should want  and cherish a teacher like Mrs. Ziegler because these kind of teachers don't show up very often.

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