Thank You, Veteran | Teen Ink

Thank You, Veteran

January 4, 2019
By bonehead43 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
bonehead43 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Wisconsin Veteran,

I watched the Honor Flight movie in 8th grade with the rest of my classmates and felt inspired to write to you, I am now in 11th grade.  I truly am grateful for you and would like to personally thank you for everything you have done for this country. I hope your experience on the Honor Flight was something you will remember forever. Thank you for your service and sacrifice and welcome home.

My name is Cameron,  I’m currently 16 years old, and I attend Arrowhead High School.  I’m not sure exactly what I want to do when I grow up but I was thinking about going into business. I had a great uncle who served in WWII but I never got the chance to meet him. I’ve heard stories about his experience and it made me realize that I should never take the simple things about living in the United States for granted. I know that every veteran has a different experience and is affected differently, I would love to hear your story.

It’s crazy to think about leaving to fight for our country at such a young age, sacrificing your whole life for something you believe in is heroic, and for that I say thank you.  I’m thankful that you gave me and many others the opportunity to do anything we want in life. I hope you received the welcome home you deserved. You allowed me to grow up in a country where I can thrive. People like you really remind me how great it is to live in America, so for that I say thank you.

I hope that you know how much you matter to so many people, because you have changed so many lives without even knowing it. I hope but most importantly I hope you received the welcome home you deserved. I hope that your life is filled with happiness and honor, welcome home.



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