Thank You, Veteran | Teen Ink

Thank You, Veteran

January 4, 2019
By Anonymous

Dear Veteran,

In my Creative Writing class at school, we watched the Honor Flight movie. One of my favorite things about it was seeing the reactions and emotions of all of the veterans. But my favorite part of the movie was watching the Mail Call part because it helped show me what saying thank you really meant to all of the veterans and how it made them feel. Based on that reaction I wanted to write a letter to welcome you home, so I could give a veteran that same reaction as the ones I saw in the Honor Flight movie.

My name is Lauren and I’m a senior in high school. For me, I’ve been thinking a lot about my future and where I’m going to go to college and what I want to study. Right now I am thinking I want to study something in business at UW La Crosse. For me, it’s hard to think about when you were my age you sacrificed your life for our country to go into war. You didn’t go to college to study whatever you wanted to, you sacrificed your life for our country. I know for me, I wouldn’t be able to leave my family and friends and basically put my life on hold to go out and fight for my country. Thank you for you to be able to sacrifice your life and leave behind your family and friends to go out and fight for our country.

Thank you for not having fear and giving up so much from your life to fight for us. Leaving home at eighteen and the people you have known you whole life and not knowing when you will return and see them again makes you a hero. To go out and fight for your country when most people at that age now I thinking about their future life makes you a hero as well.

I have not yet been to Washington DC to see any of the war memorials, but after watching the Honor Flight movie I would love to go see them, and if I ever have the opportunity to be a guardian on the Honor Flight I would love to go to be able to see everything I watched in person. Thank you again for making sacrifices at such a young age and being a hero in our country.





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