Dear Vietnam Veteran | Teen Ink

Dear Vietnam Veteran

January 4, 2019
By savrosepetals GOLD, Waukesha, Wisconsin
savrosepetals GOLD, Waukesha, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Vietnam Veteran,

In today’s society, people don’t really understand that a few words of thanks could mean the world to a veteran or active duty soldier. So I’m here to personally thank you for the sacrifices you made to help this country. I’m currently 17 and to think you were only a year older than me when you had to endure all the struggles and hardships of the war amazes me. I don’t know much about war, but I can imagine being away from your family and loved ones, and constantly fearing for your life is not an easy thing for such a young person to stomach, and I’m so grateful for your service. I hope you're welcome home is filled with lots of love and appreciation from those around you.

My father is a Vietnam veteran, and although the war was over before I was born, I can still appreciate the sacrifices he went through, just like you. My name is Savannah and I’m a high school junior. With only one more year until graduation, I plan on going to college for psychology and then hopefully joining the FBI. It amazes me that at the same age, you made the choice to risk your life for our country when some kids today can hardly fathom college or a steady job.

I’ve never gotten the chance to see a war memorial but I hope to in the future; to be able to honor the brave men and women who fought so hard for our freedom. I thank you again for your service and welcome you home. I can’t imagine what it’s like to fight a war thousands of miles away from your loved ones and then return home and try to integrate yourself back into civilian life; I also can’t imagine having to realize that no one is out to hurt you anymore and that you have your loved ones to take care of again. You have an outstanding amount of courage. Thank you for your service, and welcome home.



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