Thank You Veteran | Teen Ink

Thank You Veteran

January 4, 2019
By shay2341 BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
shay2341 BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Veteran,

Welcome home! Some people make life changing choices by being in the war for themselves and for everyone else. I am beyond grateful for everything that’s been done for me and this country because of you. You made a choice that had a huge, positive impact on not just me, but so many other people as well. There aren’t many places in the world where men and women will fight, with their lives, to grant me rights that not everyone else has, Thank you!

My name is Shayla, I’m a junior in high school. After watching the Honor Flight movie, I was able to see just how emotional you are during this day. It reminded me about how peaceful I live my life because you and your courageous work. It makes me think about how grateful I am for everything I have and all the freedom I have

I say the Pledge of Allegiance every day to give my respect for you and everyone who fought in the war. I too had family members in war. One of them passed away and one of them is 96 years old. I am forever grateful for the sacrifice you have made and for the peace that’s been given. You are greatly appreciated by everyone!

We honor those serving for our country and those who served for our country, you are a hero! I can’t even try to comprehend how you were able to pack up and leave your family and life behind for a while, it amazes me that you could. You are a strong, brave person who has done many good things to the country.

I would love to hear back from you and your experience in the military. What kept you moving forward? What kind of mindset did you have while being away? What did you think or feel? What kind of food did you eat? How was the weather?



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