Thank You | Teen Ink

Thank You

January 7, 2019
By dragonflys GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
dragonflys GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Honored Vet,

Thank you so much for your service and I personally appreciate what you have done to help out with the other side of the world. You may have not gotten the best welcome home, but I want to and wish to change that. Welcome home thank you so much for your bravery and your courageous act for making the world a safer place.  

For me personally, I have no family members that in the military, but I have one friend that went into the Navy, he was a very strong independent man at the age of 18. He deployed back at the end of May in 2018. I never felt the way I felt after he went over and I lost contact with him. Longing for someone and not being able to tell them or having them live in a completely different world or area. That's how your loved ones where and I feel for them.

I just want to say thank you again and not anyone that went into the military your someone that's selfless, kind and noble and was ready to fight and with the chance of your life on the line. I can’t say thank you enough even when you weren't protecting at home soil, you took another step up and said I will join and to help the world become safer and a better place. You are my hero even if I haven't met you, you still are and always will be. Thank you so much for your service, and bless your soul forever




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