Thank You, Veterans | Teen Ink

Thank You, Veterans

May 2, 2019
By Anonymous

Dear Army Vet,

Thank you for your service it was very brave of you to fight and serve for this amazing country. I’m Jack D. from Oconomowoc Wisconsin and I am writing this letter to say thank you for your service and your contribution to our freedom. I am beyond grateful we had you and many other veterans who served to make this country the best in the world. I wanted to be a  part of this country's freedom by joining the Army but I was rejected because of medical conditions. But now I’m going to college to major in international business because of you and other veterans who gave me the freedom to go to college.

I am grateful of the feeling of being safe at home, going to school,and walking around. I am grateful to live in country that allows me to make my own decisions and allows me the freedom to right to bear arms and freedom of speech. I am grateful for all veterans because without them I wouldn’t have the life I have today. I am grateful for veterans because they are heroes to my family and I.

My family only has one veteran who served in the navy before the Vietnam War started. Even though none of my other family members served, we still are grateful for all those who have served. When I saw a picture of my grandpa in his Navy uniform when he served I was very happy and grateful someone in my family helped with the freedom of my country. I feel the same for any veteran I see and I feel the same writing to you. Writing to you is a pleasure to thank you for your service and to be able to communicate to you.

No words can describe how grateful I am of you for serving and making our country the way it is today. Your service won’t be taken for granted because you made our country a safer and better place.  You have a huge impact on our country and you see it when you see citizens living their lives and making their own decisions. If you ever have time to write back, I would love to hear back.

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