Vietnam Veteran Letter of Thanks | Teen Ink

Vietnam Veteran Letter of Thanks

May 2, 2019
By IdOnTkNoWmAn GOLD, Waukesha, Wisconsin
IdOnTkNoWmAn GOLD, Waukesha, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Vietnam veteran,

I could not understand what you went through during your years of service. The draft must have been a frightening time as you were close to or of age for them to recruit you. It’s scary to think if the war was still going on so many people that I know would have been drafted. Going to war meant leaving your family, friends, and having to change your life plans to fight for this country. Thank you for that sacrifice.

I am a high school student. We learned about how much war can affect a person. The mental and physical torment can linger years later, and I can not imagine what that would be like. Some veterans whose experiences we had the privilege of learning about may not have known if their family still loved them. I’m so sorry that you might have had to go through that, but I hope that today was a great day for you and you were able to feel like you made a difference.

There are not any veterans in my family that are still alive so I am really happy I could write to you to thank you for all you have done. You will be remembered for your service through the memories of the people that you know and love as well as in the memorial in D.C. I do not think you will ever realize how thankful the American people are.

I am glad you had the amazing opportunity to go to Washington D.C. with Honor Flight. I hope you had a great time experiencing the memorials and memories that come with them. I would love to hear your own personal story. Once again, Thank you for all you have done.

Welcome home

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