A plain hero | Teen Ink

A plain hero

May 5, 2009
By jennirawrz BRONZE, Teaneck, New Jersey
jennirawrz BRONZE, Teaneck, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

People think of a hero of someone who is heroic and strong. They might have some "super power" but do the majority of people know what a real hero is? It could be a cop or a detecitve. They help to protect the neigborhood and put criminals away. Another hero is a firefighter they stop fires from destroying you our your home. Heros died on 9/11 to save lives. But there are even smaller heros like people who work at soupkithens to feed the poor of the community. Heros can just be a parent,aunt, grandparent basically anyone could be. The real super power is your mind. You can use it for good or bad. That choice is up to you...so who is your hero?

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