The Brother I Call Hero | Teen Ink

The Brother I Call Hero

June 5, 2012
By Kenzil BRONZE, Napoleon, Ohio
Kenzil BRONZE, Napoleon, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Love me or hate me i swear you wont make me or break me

Brother, sister relationships are one of the most I'mportant relationships in your life. I've learned weather a brother is blood, or just a very close friend you consider a brother you can always have someone there for you. Such as my "brother" is the best big brother ever. He's not my actual brother, but were so close that hes like my brother. HI'm and I have been through thick and thin together, and always have each others backs.

I could honestly say that i love my brother. I call him bubba, and he calls me Kenzie. I love when he calls me Lil' sis too, it just helps me realize i will always have someone there. My bubba and I have many secrets, and a few memories. He always has a way to cheer me up, and make me smile. I'm my opinion i have the best big brother ever. Only because our lives are pretty much the same, and we understand each other 100%.

A quote that reminds me of my brother is "When my headphones are on I'm in my own fantasy world" this is teenager post # 1471. The reason this reminds me of hI'm is because his life is pretty much based off music. Ive learned to never get between hI'm and his music, because he loves it, and hates it when people interrupt it. My second quote that reminds me of hI'm is " Brother & Sister together as friends and ready to face whatever life sends." This reminds me of hI'm, because we are 100% open about our problems. We know automatically to go to each other when we need a confidence boost or just a smile.

One of my favorite memories with Bubba, is when he burnt mine, and Gina's breadsticks. I remember that night like it was yesterday. We walked from the food market with Mt.Dew. We walk in Clubhouse Pizza, and go to the counter to pay, and one of the workers goes "He screwed up the bread sticks." It was a pretty funny moment. In the end though i felt really bad because then he had to pay for them.

So in the end you always have something to rely on. Weather its a best friend, family member, or just a random person. As in my life story, i have Tommy, my most favorite brother ever. Always stick with the person you trust, because if you treat them like dirt the day your gonna need them they won't be there. Always have a person who helps u believe, and achieve. Live life to the fullest. After all every one says Y.O.L.O( You Only Live Once) right? So never stop living, and always be happy.

The End

The author's comments:
What inspired me to start writing this, is what made me realize how close me and my best friend almost like my brother are. I never really realized until i started writing this. I should him that i write this and he said i should turn it into a contest, that is the reason why i have turned this in.

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