My Inspiration | Teen Ink

My Inspiration

March 1, 2013
By Anonymous

Eugene Peabody is a tremendous dancer, choreographer and teacher . When you’re around him you can’t help but notice his charming personality and his muscular body that has gone through extensive training. Eugene is in several companies, choreographs remarkable dances, and teaches all types of dance classes from hip-hop to acrobatics. Eugene is a talented and charismatic dancer. He amazes me because he has worked so hard and even though he is so young, he has managed to be successful in his career.

Eugene is superbly talented when it comes to dance. Eugene is talented because he is an amazing dancer. He is able to pick up moves effortlessly in a matter of minutes and preform them as if he has been working on the dance them for months. Eugene is also talented by being an outstanding choreographer. Eugene choreographs my dance team’s competition pieces of hip-hop and lyrical. His choreography captures the audience’s attention every single time we perform at competitions. He is able to come up with intricate and difficult moves that are both beautiful, and memorizing. His latest lyrical competition piece, “Both Hands ”, a sorrowful dance about cancer and loss, received eighth place out of the entire state of Illinois at the IHSA Competitive Dance Team Competition, and always left the audience provoked with anguish, and whipping away escaped tears. Eugene knows how to captivate anyone who watches him dance or watches his choreography because he is exceptionally talented.

Eugene is extremely charismatic and he always has energy. During the hip-hop class es that I take from him, Eugene is able to keep up his energy and show that how he is having a fun time while dancing. Eugene is charismatic because he always tries to bring the best out of each dancer. He motivates everyone to dance their best and to truly have fun with what we’re doing. For Eugene, what are genuinely important aren’t the moves, but the attitude given by a dancer. Eugene always wants us to do any combinations of dance as best as we can. If a dancer isn’t giving it their all and sincerely showing that they are having fun, Eugene motivates us to do a better job. A common saying of his is, “Do you love to dance? Then prove it!” Eugene has taught me to not be afraid to be overdramatic in my dancing. Because of Eugene, I have been able to grow as a dancer and thrive in what I love to do, dance.

Eugene is a talented and charismatic dancer. I look up to Eugene and hope one day I can dance as well as him, and am able to come up with interesting choreography like him. Eugene has taught me to always love what I’m doing and to always do my best. Because of that, I have learned to be a more expressive dancer.

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