Angela Davis | Teen Ink

Angela Davis

April 15, 2013
By Purplerey BRONZE, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Purplerey BRONZE, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Angela Davis was an activist against racism and discrimination. She went to prison for months just for fighting for her very own freedom. Angela Davis was brave and adventures. Angela was born in Alabama and was a great activist. She went to school at three different universities, one she worked at. She went to jail for months because she was in a shooting about freedom of blacks. Angela Davis soon learned that equality between white and black people only exists if there was also equality between men and women. Angel Davis once said “We know the road to freedom has always been stalked by death.” Angela Davis was born on January 26, 1944. She had great powers maybe not super powers but powers everyone can have if they try.

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