Ironman | Teen Ink


May 14, 2013
By Tanksnstuff BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Tanksnstuff BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Insert Quote"-Morgan Freeman

Everyone has their own personal hero. Mine is tony stark. “A Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.” Not to mention the master of one liners. Saving people, and still being a smarta$$. In the avengers and his three movies he saves the world, and still has a witty comeback for everything.

His first movie involved his changing from a rich jerk, to an actually human. The plot describes how his morals change after he is held captive and watches several soldiers killed with his own missiles. He is ordered to construct a missile to kill civilians. This is where he becomes the beloved ironman. Rather than let innocent civilians be killed, he constructs a suit of armor to break out.

Thus the Iron Man trilogy begins, not to mention his infinite one liners. He’s funny, and a great fighter. In all of his movies, he fights his own suits, hijacked suits, made-in the-basement-lab suits, and anything that he doesn't really like.Saves people everyday, and offends the attacker. In all ironman is one of the most loved heros out there.

Being loved by millions of fans greatly helps to throw out more movies. In his latest movie, Iron Man 3 made over $300 million overseas in one weekend. Personally I'm very glad Robert Downey Jr. was chosen for the role of Tony Stark. In all honestly it fits him perfectly. A rich man, who started out as a shadow and became famous worldwide.

He saves people, has amazing one liners, three movies to himself, and just plain awesomeness. It’s pretty hard not to be amazed by all the technology in Tony’s armor. Tony Stark is my personal hero. I hope this essay proved that. So, Who is your Hero?

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