My Definition of Heroes | Teen Ink

My Definition of Heroes

January 31, 2014
By ainatsuraiya GOLD, Kuantan, Other
ainatsuraiya GOLD, Kuantan, Other
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Heroes? The first thing that pops up to your mind would be Batman, Superman, Spider man and those superheroes and characters that are always showed and channeled on the screen TV. Don’t you think so that the definition of heroes is not just people with supernatural powers but instead people who would do anything to save you. By that, don’t you also think that heroes are not just meant to be for men but instead also for women?

These are the stereotype that sometimes gets me annoyed with it because for me, my superhero is my own mother. I concede to the fact that she does not has superpowers like flying or strength and things but she has this one thing that most of us are always lack of which is patient and forgiveness. She will always take care of me when I am sick, pick me up when I fall and never let someone bullies me. Is not that equivalent to a superhero which is by saving a persons’ life? She will always be there when I am happy and sad and yet the same time will still take care of my other siblings to make sure they also get enough attention. Is not that equivalent to a superhero trying to make sure the citizens are safe? Yet I would say my mother is the best superhero because she takes care of us with enough care and love, making sure that we are good physically and mentally.

Basically, what I am trying to show now is that superheroes can be meant in many ways and it does not only means by fighting criminals but also about saving a persons’ life from danger and by making sure that they are happy.

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