The Crazy Lady | Teen Ink

The Crazy Lady

February 11, 2014
By BJFlorey96 BRONZE, Fort Dodge, Iowa
BJFlorey96 BRONZE, Fort Dodge, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

High school can be emotionally rough on some students. The only way to make it through high school emotionally stable, is to have a somebody that is a role model to you that you can look up to. This role model may be an older student, a teacher, a friend, or a counselor but my role model is my youth minister, Melissa or as she is also known as the crazy lady.

Even though I have only known her for a year and half she has already changed my life in many ways. Melissa is the kind of person that makes your face light up when you see her in the hallway. She always knows what to say when I need her. She is going to tell you how it is and that is important because if you need to talk to somebody you can’t go to someone who is afraid to hurt you and will just tell you that your are right just to keep you happy. Melissa says what she is thinking at the time when you are joking around with her but when things get serious she turns her “filter” on.

Melissa really brought me back to normal life last year and really she saved my life. At the start of my sophomore year Kelvin B. died at the young age of four. His death was like someone hit me against a brick wall at two hundred miles per hour. I hated the world and God for taking Kelvin away from me. I gave up on friends, school, and trying to be happy. It was like I died with Kelvin, but I was still stuck on earth. I believe that if I had went to a doctor they would have diagnosed me with depression. This went on for about two months until Melissa suggested that I go to the youth rally with her one weekend. I went because it is really hard to say no to her. When we got to the youth rally I forgot about Kelvin and for the first time in what seemed like forever, I was happy. When I went to confession I ended up with the bishop and rattled off the “usual” but at the end I broke down. For the first time out loud I expressed me anger that Kelvin was gone. I was overwhelmed with sorrow for hating God, the bishop told me that I was like the lost sheep and I was finally found and brought home. After this my life got better as I came back to God. I was involved with friends and school and the church. I talked to Melissa regularly and attended youth ministry every week. Melissa became the stable ground in my life and this year would not be the way it is if Melissa would not have suggested that I go to that youth rally. The summer after my sophomore year I went to a huge youth conference with my youth group and I experienced the best thing that could happen there. I heard Kelvin’s voice and he told me that he was fine and having fun up in heaven and that I should live my life to the fullest for not only me but him also. This experience was the final thing I needed to bring me back fully.

I would not have gone to this conference if Melissa would not have invited me to the first youth rally. I honestly believe that I could have done something drastic if Melissa was not here to invite to that rally. She saw me at my lowest point and pulled me up. Melissa really is that crazy lady that saved my life and I will always look up to her and I hope one day I can pull someone up from rock bottom and bring them back up just like she did for me.

The author's comments:
This is a personal essay about one of my role models who changed me for the better.

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