More Than an Ordinary Family Man | Teen Ink

More Than an Ordinary Family Man

April 7, 2014
By Rebecca Silvoy BRONZE, Durham, North Carolina
Rebecca Silvoy BRONZE, Durham, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Who is Vic really? To me he is Godad, a loving and caring grandfather who I look up to. He has shaped me into the person I am today. He did this with generosity, goodwill and love. To my sister he is “a role model, another parent, and a best friend. He has made me into a better person and I admire that… One day I will be a great person like him.” In this paper you will find out what Godad’s legacy is and how he has impacted lives.

How much do you think Godad values his family? “I feel Godad values his family and loved ones more than himself,” Emily (his granddaughter). “He values his family more than anything,” Caroline ( his daughter). He would do anything for his family and he already does everything he can for us. Godad himself said “It is the most important thing in my life.”

My mom said that Godad has always been an affectionate and passionate father. She mentioned that he might have gotten mad at times but he would easily get over it. I asked her during the interview if Godad had changed at all during the years. She said “he has always been kind and giving but he has more patience with his grandchildren.”

Along with his undying love for his family he has had a great impact on my life along with others. Godad has really influenced and pushed me to be the best. He has showed me to never give up and to love with all of my heart. He influenced my mom to become a “confident adult” and has given her the “ability to deal with conflict,” and taught her “to be loving and giving.”

He has impacted my little sister Emily greatly. “He has shown me how to stand by someone’s side, to stay kind, to love other the way you want to be loved, have a positive attitude and care for one another. While my grandmother was sick, he did not leave her side. He stood with her every minute and gave her anything and everything she wanted. He would do anything for her.” I think the way he showed his love for my grandmother affected my whole family. It showed how much he would do for his family, and to love with everything we have.

Godad said he hoped to impact people with “principles, my work ethic, generosity and love towards family, and how to put others before yourself.” I think this is exactly how he has influenced us he has given us hope, love, and kindness. His love for his family will live on as his legacy along with his kindness.

The author's comments:
My grandfather is one of the most important person in my life. He has influenced me to be the best I can. In this article you will read about how he not only influences me but others in my family as well.

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