Everybody's Hero | Teen Ink

Everybody's Hero

April 17, 2014
By Allied SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Allied SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Every little kid truly believes they have a superpower. Whether it’s flying or invisibility, it makes them feel special. Yet when they grow up, most of them forget what it feels like to have a special power. I still think everyone has a power, they just have to figure out what they are. They could be a hero to someone.They could be a part of a big group of heroes, or they could even have super powers.

When meeting new people, a good conversation starter is ‘if you could have a superpower, what would it be?” That question says a lot about someone's inner self. It takes people back to their childhood and makes them think; it makes them feel special. All though they don't actually have super human strength or speed, having an imagination is a pretty spectacular super power too me. It isn't the only super power people can have.

Sometimes when people think of heroes, they think of normal people saving others. Policemen are a pretty good example. Their job is to help whenever they can. So do firemen.They will put themselves in danger to save someone else. Soldiers put themselves in danger too. Protecting our country is definitely a superpower. That is still not the only way to be somebody's hero. Some people don’t think of police, fireman, and soldiers when they think of a hero.

People have role models that they look up to as heroes. It could be a family member who has their life under control and always helps people. Maybe its a famous singer or actor that they look up to and want to be like some day. If someone has a good role model to lead them down a positive path, they are like a hero. Who knows, it could have saved someone’s life. Those people don’t know they are heroes, so tell them. They might say the same thing back.

Everyone has a hero, and is a hero. They just might not know it yet. The whole world has superpowers, so the whole world is special. Even kids know that. Lets not let them loose that, like many of us did. We may not be Superman or Wonder Woman, but we are heroes. Our powers can save the world.

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