My Mother, My Inspiration | Teen Ink

My Mother, My Inspiration

September 5, 2014
By Jovanny Mata BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
Jovanny Mata BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She’s the best woman you could ever ask for to be a mother. She is medium size, not tall, but not short, she has nice colored eyes, and always is sewing something at home, it’s her passion and talent. She usually takes about a week to finish depending on how big the piece she gets from the store is and she puts the cross stitch masterpieces up around the house. She is the type of mom that helps you whenever you are in trouble and keeps moving you forward in life. My mother is a very hardworking mother and has a lot of confidence in her. What I love most about her is she is always supportive in anything possible.

She is here and there however she may be, but hardworking is the kind of person she is. When she was in her mid teens, she came from Mexico to the US on plane. My mom came to the US to have a better life for her and her family. She had to start a whole new life here with no english knowledge. Before trying to get a job, she had 6 months of English tutoring. She came here determined of what she wanted to do with her life next. “Yo tenía 18 años cuando empecé a trabajar en mi primer trabajo que fue en una fábrica que se llamaba R.A. Brigess” My mother told me. That was only a couple of months after she got here, so right when she got here she started looking for jobs.

“En el 1998 se cerró la fábrica y fue cuando te tuve a ti. Empecé mi propio negocio limpiar casa después.” My mom also said. When the factory closed down, the company gave the employers the option to move to North Carolina, where the company was moving, or they would pay for 6 months to attend CLC. At the time she had my sister and was pregnant with me so she chose to go to CLC.

“Cuando acabe los 6 meses de la CLC decidí que no quería trabajar en fabrica, entonces le hable a una prima de tu papá que trabajaba en limpieza.” My mom went to see what it was like and liked it so being the smart women she is she went and made business cards to leave on door steps of houses. As days went on, she received calls asking for cleaning. She progressed and as she cleaned houses people would recommend her and the business would grow more and more. Til this day she continues to clean houses and is very successful. She has been working her whole life since she got here from Mexico.

“ Hay veces que me siento muy mal pero todos modos tengo que ir a trabajar.” She has the choice to stay home because she's the boss, but instead she chooses to still go because she wants to set an example for her employees. She has worked very hard her whole life and I admire her for that.

“Mijo yo se que lo puedo lograr lo que sea si de verdad lo quiero.” is what my mom says. She set her mind to something and it becomes reality. No matter what it is she wants she never gives up and with her confidence she does anything.

“ Mijo yo quiero esa casa.” is what she told me when she saw a really nice house she wanted. She has always been trying to get info on the house, but sometimes it may not happen. The house went off the market, but she remained confident the house was coming back. Four years later its back on and with her head up she was everyday. The confidence my mother has is strong and i hope to have the same amount of confidence.

I've always had my mother by my side since i was born. What kids need is love, nourishment, and supportiveness in life to succeed. My mother gave me a lot of that and especially support.
“ Tu puedes lograr lo que sea, pontelo en la mente y será realidad.” My mom would say. With these words I would gain confidence and not give up. She also says
“Sigue con lo que estás haciendo, vas muy bien.” She always tells me this and I feel good and try even harder. Whenever I have a soccer game I see my mother there watching me and supporting me. It makes me feel happy and try harder in what I do.

In some cases when we lose she tells me “ Esta bien mijo no te preocupes, para la proxima.” She always has been there for me in everything and supporting me in everything.

I will always have her a mother no matter what and lover her as a mother. She has taught me right from wrong my whole life. She is the person i look up to not just as my mother, but also a role model, my inspiration. She has showed me what it looks like to be a hard worker, have lots of confidence, and to be supportive. My mother has made me a more confident and strong person. Im very glad I had the chance and continue to get the chance of having her as a mother, I can’t think about what and where I would be without her. I am very proud to get to call her mom everyday.

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